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Launch Your Jewellery Business in 20 Days
Day 1 - What is Your Why
Welcome Video From Jess - Let's Get Started (4:28)
Day 1 - What is Your Why?
Day 2 - Setting Your Goals
Day 2 - Setting Your Goals
Day 3 - What Will You Sell? (Products)
Day 3 - What Will You Sell? (Products)
Day 4 - Who Will Your Customers Be?
Day 4 - Who Will Your Customers Be?
Day 5 - Name Picking Time!
Day 5 - Time to Pick Your Name
Day 6 - Choosing Your Brand Colours
Day 6 - Choosing Your Brand Colours
Day 7 - Logo and Graphics
Day 7 - Logos and Graphics
Day 8 - Packaging & Postage
Day 8 - Packaging & Postage
Day 9 - About You - Let's Write That Story!
Day 9 - About Me - Let's Write That Story!
Day 10 - Setting Up Your Social
Day 10 - Setting Up Your Social
Day 11 - Photography Time
Day 11 - Photography Time
Day 12 - Let's Register Your Business
Day 12 - Let's Register Your Business
Day 13 - Getting Your Insurance
Day 13 - Getting Your Insurance
Day 14 - Selecting Your Online Platform
Day 14 - Selecting Your Online Platform
Day 15 - Writing Your Product Descriptions
Day 15 - Writing Your Product Descriptions
Day 16 - Let's Put Your Shop LIVE - Whoo Hoo!
Day 16 - Let's Make Your Shop LIVE - Woo Hoo!
Day 17 - Friends and Family - We Are Ready For You...
Day 17 - Friends and Family - We Are Ready For You...
Day 18 - Find Your Fairs & Events
Day 18 - Find Your Fairs & Events
Day 19 - Start Your Email List
Day 19 - Start Your Email List
Day 20 - Celebrate The Wins!
Day 20 - Celebrate The Wins!
Day 18 - Find Your Fairs & Events
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